Beam Lighting Engineering


Jalazon Bridge
Supply of Lighting Fixtures: Beam Engineering Technology Ltd. read more

Al Jenan
Al jenan project in Jenin governorate is the first typical suburbs in the north of Palestine; It features a range of facilities and public services, which added a modern and distinctive nature to the suburb. read more

Anatreh Quarter
Haret al-Anatreh is a major quarter in the old core of Bethlehem which underwent extensive rehabilitation Works in 2001. read more

Beit Jala Hospital Main Entrance
Beit Jala Government Hospital, located in the city of Beit Jala in the Bethlehem District, was established in 1908 by a Swedish NGO called the Swedish Jerusalem Society. The Hospital is the only general hospital in the Bethlehem District, providing services to 170,000 people. It is also a referral hospital, mainly for cancer patients who need chemotherapy treatment. read more

Beit Jala Quarter
Beit Jala quarter is one of the oldest and most important quarters in Beit Jala, which reflects the historical importance of the area and promotes the values of cultural heritage preservation. read more

Dar Al Kalima Play Ground
Traveling thousands of miles from the USA, and overcoming curfews and closures, a colorful new playground found a new home on top of Mount Murair. A gift to the children of Bethlehem from the US based organization Playgrounds for Palestine (PfP). read more

Evangelical Lutheran Church
The Evangelical Lutheran church traces its origin to the middle of the 19th century when German and English Evangelical Christians came to Palestine to support the Christian minority in the area through diaconal and mission work. read more

Manger Street
A long snake of town, the main thoroughfare of Bethlehem is Manger Street which stretches from Rachel’s Tomb (and the road to Jerusalem) all the way to Manger Square, the focal point of the city. read more

Jericho Training College
It is a college that trains the security organs, in a process of changing them from being civil people into military leaders, Where trainees are being qualified by daily training and cultural and systematic within the rules. read more

Jericho Military Camp
It is a camp where the security organs are being trained and well qualified from the military point, in a process of changing them from being civil. read more

Jericho Crossboard
It is the only way that allows the Palestinian ID holders to travel to and from Palestine into any other country through Jordan. read more

Jawwal Showroom
Jawwal is the first Palestinian Provider for communication services; it helps all people to communicate through the latest technology regardless of the hard political, economical, and social obstacles facing it. read more

Nablus Tunnel
Nablus Tunnel is a project connects Sufian Street with the new Commercial Complex Building of Nablus Municipality. The project includes design of excavation support system which is. read more

Ramleh Convent
In the 15th century a hostel was built for catholic pilgrims from Europe, by monks belonging to a Franciscan order. From the 16th century and onwards the place has been considered the home of Joseph of Arimathea mentioned in the New Testament. Following the discovery that this was the location of Joseph’s house. read more

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