Beam Lighting Engineering

Supplying of all lighting fixtures for Manger Square and Nativity Church.

Beam Engineering Technology proudly announce the supply of all lighting fixtures for Manger Square and Nativity Church. All Design was done with full coordination between Beam Engineering Technology & DISANO Group Italy. All lighting fixtures will be installed before Christmas 2012.

A lighting seminar was held on 13/12/2012 with coordination with DISANO Group Italy.

A lighting seminar was held on 13/12/2012 with coordination with DISANO Group Italy. The seminar was held in the Grand Park Hotel – Ramallah. This seminar was designated to Electrical Engineers who attended this seminar from all over Palestine. All who attended our Lighting Seminar have received the information that they have been expected from DISANO & FOSNOVA.

Beam Engineering Technology Visit to DISANO Italy.

Eng. Basem Tweme the general Manager of the company visited DISANO Italy on September 2012 to strengthen the relation between the two companies. The visit took one week in which Eng. Basem visited all parts and sections of the DISANO & FOSNOVA Factory and offices.

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